(AUGUST 2019 – FEBRUARY 2024)
Ph.D. Computer Science
M.S. Awarded 2021
I received my Ph.D. from Georgetown University, where I was a member of the NERT Research Lab and GUCL (Georgetown University Computational Linguistics). In 2020, I co-founded the Georgetown Second Language Acquisition Reading Group. I also served as the Event Coordinator for GUCL and was an Executive Board Member of GuWeCode (Georgetown University Women Coders).
Some of my completed graduate coursework includes:
- Computational Corpus Linguistics
- Text Mining & Analysis
- Automated Reasoning
- Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
- Statistical Machine Translation
- L2 Writing
- Advanced Semantic Representation
- Seminar in NLP
- Cognitive Science Seminar
- Large Scale Machine Learning Seminar
(AUGUST 2015 – MAY 2019)
B.S. Computer Science; B.A. Spanish
I graduated from Lafayette magna cum laude with Honors in Computer Science and Spanish.
My Senior Honors Thesis in Computer Science and Spanish (“Sentiment Analysis on Translated Works: Explaining the Differences Between Linguistic Analysis of a Text and its Computational Sentiment”) was co-advised by Joann Ordille and Michelle Geoffrion-Vinci. For this work I was awarded the Barge Oratorical Prize, for the most skilled oral defense of an honors thesis that year.
At Lafayette, I served as the President of Women in Computing from 2017 to 2019 and President of Association for Computing Machinery from 2017 to 2018. While studying at Lafayette, I was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, Upsilon Pi Epsilon (Computer Science Honors Society), and Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honors Society).