My research interests include computational semantics, model evaluation, translated texts, multilingualism / cross-lingual methods, and corpus linguistics. Broadly, I’m currently working on: (1) meaning across languages and (2) evaluation practices.
My recently completed dissertation, “Development & Evaluation of Cross-lingual Abstract Meaning Representation,” considered the applications and assessments of extension of a semantic representation (Abstract Meaning Representation) to languages beyond English. My doctoral advisor was Nathan Schneider. The other members of my dissertation committee were Martha Palmer, Marine Carpuat, Ophir Frieder, Nazli Goharian, and Justin Thaler.
- *Shira Wein, Te I, Colin Cherry, Juraj Juraska, Dirk Padfield, Wolfgang Macherey. 2024. Barriers to Effective Evaluation of Simultaneous Interpretation. Accepted to appear in Findings of EACL.
- *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. 2024. Lost in Translationese? Reducing Translation Effect Using Abstract Meaning Representation. Accepted to appear at EACL.
- *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. 2024. Assessing the Cross-linguistic Utility of Abstract Meaning Representation. Accepted to appear in Computational Linguistics.
- Christopher Homan, *Shira Wein, Chris Welty, Lora Aroyo. 2023. How Many Raters Do You Need? Power Analysis for Foundation Models. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Better! (ICBINB), NeurIPS.
- *Shira Wein. 2023. Human Raters Cannot Distinguish English Translations from Original English Texts. Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) (pp. 12266-12272).
- *Shira Wein, Alicia Patterson, Shannon Brick, Sydney Luken. 2023. A CS1 Open Data Analysis Project with Embedded Ethics. In ACM EngageCSEdu.
- *Shira Wein, Christopher Homan, Lora Aroyo, Chris Welty. 2023. Follow the leader(board) with confidence: Estimating p-values from a single test set with item and response variance. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) (pp. 3138–3161).
- *Shira Wein, Julia Bonn. 2023. Comparing UMR and Cross-lingual Adaptations of AMR. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations (DMR), IWCS.
- Nianwen Xue, Julia Bonn, Andrew Cowell, Jan Hajic, Alexis Palmer, Martha Palmer, James Pustejovsky, Haibo Sun, Zdenka Uresova, *Shira Wein, Jin Zhao. 2023. UMR Annotation of Multiword Expressions. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations (DMR), IWCS.
- *Shira Wein, Zhuxin Wang, Nathan Schneider. 2023. Measuring Fine-Grained Semantic Equivalence with Abstract Meaning Representation. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS).
- Juri Opitz, *Shira Wein, Julius Steen, Anette Frank and Nathan Schneider. 2023. AMR4NLI: Interpretable and robust NLI measures from semantic graphs. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS).
- *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. 2022. Crowdsourcing Preposition Sense Disambiguation with High Precision via a Priming Task. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Data Science with Human-in-the-Loop (Language Advances) (pp. 15-22). EMNLP, 2022.
- Wai Ching Leung, *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. 2022. Semantic Similarity as a Window into Vector- and Graph-Based Metrics. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (pp. 106-115). EMNLP, 2022.
- Rima Elabdali, *Shira Wein, Lourdes Ortega. 2022. Can adult lexical diversity be measured bilingually? A proof-of-concept study. Palfreyman, D. M. (Ed.) Bilingual writers and corpus analysis. New York: Routledge.
- *Shira Wein, Lucia Donatelli, Ethan Ricker, Calvin Engstrom, Alex Nelson, Leonie Harter, Nathan Schneider. 2022. Spanish Abstract Meaning Representation: Annotation of a General Corpus. The Northern European Journal of Language Technology (NEJLT) Vol. 8 No. 1.
- *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. 2022. Accounting for Language Effect in the Evaluation of Cross-lingual AMR Parsers. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) (pp. 3824–3834).
- *Shira Wein, Wai Ching Leung, Yifu Mu, Nathan Schneider. 2022. Effect of Source Language on AMR Structure. Proceedings of the 16th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVI). LREC, 2022.
- *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. 2021. Classifying Divergences in Cross-lingual AMR Pairs. Proceedings of The Joint 15th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW) and 3rd Designing Meaning Representations (DMR) Workshop (pp. 56-65). EMNLP, 2021.
- *Shira Wein, Paul Briggs. 2021. A Fully Automated Approach to Requirement Extraction from Design Documents. 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (pp. 1-7).
- Luke Gessler, *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. 2020. Supersense and Sensibility: Proxy Tasks for Semantic Annotation of Prepositions. Proceedings of the 14th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (pp. 117-126). COLING, 2020.
- Michael Kranzlein, Emma Manning, Siyao Peng, *Shira Wein, Aryaman Arora, Nathan Schneider. 2020. PASTRIE: A Corpus of Prepositions Annotated with Supersense Tags in Reddit International English. Proceedings of the 14th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (pp. 105-116). COLING, 2020.
- Emma Manning, *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. 2020. A Human Evaluation of AMR-to-English Generation Systems. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) (pp. 4773–4786).
- *Shira Wein. 2020. Classification and Analysis of Neologisms Produced by Learners of Spanish: Effects of Proficiency and Task. Proceedings of The Fourth Widening Natural Language Processing Workshop (pp. 88-91). ACL, 2020.
Undergraduate Thesis
*Shira Wein (2019). Sentiment Analysis on Translated Works: Explaining the Differences Between Linguistic Analysis of a Text and its Computational Sentiment. Unpublished senior thesis, Departments of Computer Science and Spanish, Lafayette College. [Winner of Barge Oratorical Prize – Best Oral Defense of Honors Thesis]
Talks / Presentations
- Differences in Cross-lingual Abstract Meaning Representation Pairs. *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning (MASC-SLL), 2022.
- Belonging in Computing: The Contribution of Gender-based Community Building (Panel). Lyn E. Swackhamer, Terina-Jasmine Alladin, Hana Memon, Amy J. Ko, *Shira Wein. SIGCSE, 2022.
- Leveraging Abstract Meaning Representations to Amplify the Semantic Information Captured in Transformer Models. *Shira Wein. USC Information Sciences Institute Natural Language Seminar, 2021.
- Requirement Extraction from Design Documents in the Aerospace Domain. *Shira Wein. 18th Semi-Annual GU-CS Graduate Research Presentation Day, 2021.
- Computational Sentiment Analysis as a Tool for Metacognition in Literary Analysis. *Shira Wein, Joann Ordille, Michelle Geoffrion-Vinci. Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY) (Georgetown University), 2021.
- Classification and Analysis of Neologisms Produced by Learners of Spanish: Effects of Proficiency and Task. *Shira Wein. 17th Semi-Annual GU-CS Graduate Research Presentation Day, 2020.
- Crowdsourcing Preposition Supersense Annotation with Paraphrase Judgments. Luke Gessler, *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning (MASC-SLL), 2020.
- Referenceless Evaluation of Natural Language Generation from Meaning Representations. Emma Manning, *Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider. Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning (MASC-SLL) 2020.
- The Grand Tour as Spatial Narrative: Story Maps in the Liberal Arts Study Abroad Curriculum. Markus Dubischar, Jason Simms, *Shira Wein. Conference for Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts (Bryn Mawr College), 2017.